Copper Roofing

Copper is a sustainable and delicate choice of material – not only does it have durable properties that no other metal can match, but its aesthetic appeal means that it can complement any style of building, from traditional to contemporary.

Tried and trusted, copper roofing has withstood the test of time and has been passed down as a traditional practise spanning many generations.

Its resistance to a lot of the elements makes it an ideal choice for roof materials in Texas.

As a unique roofing solution, copper can outlast most other roofing types.
Each type of roof copper has a specific design intention and installation application. They include

Continuous copper

Developed and designed for a whole and exact job. It entails assembling sheets of copper on a roofing substrate in one piece, seamlessly.

Copper panels

Panels are generally less expensive than continuous sheets – they arrive in standard widths and are hand-installed with noticeable seams.

Copper dormers, finials

These are hand-applied – just like any other type of shingle roofing product — but you need to be careful in preventing damage to its softer surface.


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11275 Camp Bowie Blvd
Aledo, TX, 76008


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